Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Thoughts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Thoughts - Assignment Example The changes in these elements often cause alterations in the organizational behavior. Thus, for an organization to be more efficient and productive, it is essential to lay significant importance on these elements. It has been identified that organizations where these elements are respected and recognized, the individuals within it are motivated and enthusiastic in performing more efficiently. These individuals also experience high job satisfaction, when the organization takes proper care of those elements. They feel of being an integral part of the organization and are more willing to deliver their best towards the accomplishment of the broad organizational goals (Jenifer, 2009). Moreover, as stated by Simon, the four elements of organizational behavior also lead to the development of leadership skill amid employees and the top managerial bodies. Simon, in his statement, explicitly pointed out a few of the greatest leaders produced by the world. In this regard, Simon noted the names of few prominent leaders such as Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs of Apple Inc., and the Wright brothers. Accordingly, it is argued that these leaders had been successful in accomplishing several milestones, only because of their well-developed organizational behavior skills. It is further claimed that these leaders had strongly recognized ‘values’, ‘attitudes’, and ‘moods and emotions’, of their followers which enabled them to influence the behavior of their followers and attain their total commitment (Sinek, 2009). Thus, I firmly believe that for any organization to be more effective and efficient in this competitive world, the four key elem ents of an organizational behavior need to be

Monday, October 28, 2019

Population of Bird in Acacia Mangium Proposal

Population of Bird in Acacia Mangium Proposal BIRD POPULATION IN EIGHT YEARS OLD OF Acacia Mangium PLANTATION IN SABAH LEE WOONJAH 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background of Study Bird is a class of animals that live in a wide range of environments, from the tropical regions to the polar region. Them consists over 10,000 species (Betz Parr, n.d.). Each species of bird has a restricted range of size from small to large because the wing size of birds is vary. In tropical region, birds play roles as pest controller or pollinator to plants and animals. In Borneo, there are 643 species of birds recorded. (Wong, 2012). However, bird species found in natural forest and plantation are different. Many tropical forests have been converted into plantation or agriculture due to the demand of raw materials. According to FAO (XX), many private sectors are involve in forest plantation plan such as Sabah Forest Industries (SFI), Sabah Softwoods (SS), Sabah Forest Department Authority (SAFODA) and other companies. Those companies are established fast growing tree species in forest plantation area. Tree species planted are generally exotic such as Acacia mangium, Paraserianthes falcataria and Tectona grandis. The reason for plant exotic species is provide sustainable supply of wood materials for its industrial uses in short periods. To ensure the sustainable wood material supply, fast growing species of trees are recommended to the industrial plantation. Acacia mangium is a species that contribute for the wood production in Malaysia. A. mangium has been planted widely in East Malaysia for the wood based industry. (Adam et al, n.d.) This species of tree is well develops in Sabah because of its desirable properties which is rapid growth, good wood quality and tolerance to poor soil condition. (Krisnawati et al., 2011) Acacia mangium is originates from the humid tropical forest of north-eastern Australia. The tree species was successful introduced to Sabah in the mid of 1960’s. (Krisnawati et al., 2011) This fast growing species can produce more raw materials for the industrial uses in a shorter period. However, conversion of natural forest to plantation or agricultural will influence the habitat of bird. In forest plantation, the food resources may decrease or confine and also influence the place for nesting. As such, the relationship between species of bird and its population is important to be investigated. 1.2 Problem Statement Birds consist of different composition base on its attribute and adaptation to forest plantation. Bird can be biological controller and pollinator. For example, biological pest control is more suitable for control of pest compare to chemical in order to ensure the quality of trees. However, bird population is different in many types of forest. The reason is mostly the development of land under the plantation planning. The land-use planning confines the vegetation such as monoculture. Vegetation in primary forest is dense and richer then forest plantation. Therefore, bird species is more diverse and the population of bird is higher. Birds are migrates from one place to another place due to vary reason. The most common reason is environment change. Food resources are not diverse as primary forest. Mostly forest plantation is undergoes monoculture planting method. Tree species for plantation in Sabah are generally fast growing species such as Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus deglupta, Tectona grandis and others species. Clear felling before establish plantation can cause bird population decline dramatically. The reason is no suitable place for nesting and feeding. On the other hand, this type of research is seldom done in forest plantation. However, there are some researches done in Sabah Softwoods (SS) but not yet done in SFI. The previous study is not focus on bird population in forest plantation. The study of bird population requires to updates constantly due to the global changing. Therefore, this comparison is important to obtain more precise data with the previous study. 1.3 Justification Bird species in forest plantation remains lack of publishable information for investigate bird population in Sabah. Limitation of data will influence it credibility for future plantation planning and management. Through this research, general bird species will be investigated and evaluate the bird population in Acacia mangium plantation at the age of five year old. This finding of study can act as the future references for the occurrence and assemblage of bird species in forest plantation. 1.4 Objectives To investigate the population of bird in Acacia mangium of eight years old. To compare the bird diversity in forest plantation with the previous study. 1.5 Limitation There are some limitations in this research. First limitation is weather. Bird observation is usually conducts under sunny or cloudy day. Observation normally does not conduct during raining day because birds are hard to identify and the safety factors. Secondly, Timing for bird observation is critical. Bird observation is conduct start from seven o’clock at morning until noon. The reason is observer require to know the bird habitats such the duration time for searching food sources. 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Definition of Bird Bird is an animal that consists of more than 8600 species worldwide. (McDade, 2005) Birds are grouped into the Animalia Kingdom, Phylum of Chordata and under the class of Aves. (â€Å"Bird Calssifications/ Families†, 2009). All types of birds consist of backbone and hence are grouped into the Chordata Phylum. In the Class Aves, birds can be classify into 23-40 orders.(â€Å"Bird classification†, 2015) The size of birds are vary due to its habitat and also influenced by the environments. Birds have few characteristics such pair of wings, bill, tails, and feathers to distinguish them with others. Wings are the important part for birds to fly. Birds, unlike the others animals, are walk on the ground but mostly they have evolved the capability for flight. Birds have moveable wings but not alike to the fixed wings of aircraft. Their wings are powered by muscles and can soar to the sky rapidly. Some soaring birds like albatross, can fly using their wings and using air currents as a source of power. (Betz Parr, n.d.). Bird forelimbs have evolved into wings and their bones are hollow and can decrease their weight. Weight is also an issue that influence their flying capability. For example, goose and domestic chicken. Feather is one of the unique characteristic of birds and make them difference among living animals. Feathers are made of keratin and adapt to flight. Wings made of feathers are adjustable, which mean the soft down feathers is thermally insulating a bird body. Birds can fly to escape their enemies or nesting at higher place that they enable to walk to. (McDade, 2005) Feathers are crucial for bird to fly. The contour feathers on the body establish the smooth, streamlined contour of bird body and enlarged the flight feathers. However, feathers also provide a windproof and waterproof covering for birds to prevent them from get cold and maintain their body temperature. In bird behaviour, feathers are an important factor to attract the female birds during the courtship and mating. In many species of birds, male birds are generally has brighter color of feathers while female birds have drab feathers. (â€Å"Aves: More on Morphology†, n.d.) Bills of bird are different in shapes and colors. Different shaped of bills serve different ecological purposes and adapt to the bird’s feeding habits. For instance, Bird’s with short thin bills is for insect eater, long thin bills can for probing flowers or soft mud for worms. The bill is allows the birds to pick fruit or food sources from the end of branches. A bird bill is composed of a number of rhamphotheca that is made of keratin. 2.2 Definition of Acacia mangium Acacia mangium also known as Acacia mangium Wild, or called as akasia mangium in Malay, is a type of fast–growing tree species in plantation programs throughout the Asia and Pacific. This species of tree is origin from the north-eastern Australia, eastern Indonesia and western Papua New Guinea. ( Krisnawati, Kallio and Kanninen (2011) reported that A. mangium has been widely introduced to many Asia countries and successful introduced to Malaysia in the mid of 1960. A.mangium become one of the major tropical plantation forestry species because of its fast growing capability and cam adapt well in the poor soil condition. (Dhamodaran Chacko, 1999) This tree species can grow rapidly in the acidic soils and degraded sites but it is intolerant to the shade condition, and grows to be stunted. (Krisnawati, Kallio and Kanninen ,2011). Acacia mangium is a species of tropical lowland climatic zone characteristic and required high total annual rainfall (about 1000- 4500 mm). Tree growth will be slow down if the dry period is prolonged. Acacia mangium generally can grow up to a height of 25-35 meter with a straight bole and the diameter at breast height (dbh) of over 60cm. (Dhamodaran Chacko, 1999). However, it is rare for Acacia mangium tree grow until 60cm of dbh because it is time consuming and growth of tree will declines rapidly after seven or eight years and except under very ideal conditions over a long periods. (Dhamodaran Chacko, 1999). A. mangium tree height can increase up to 10-15m in the first two to three years and increases dramatically up to 25 m at about 5 years. Acacia mangium wood has potential be the raw material for pulp and paper, furniture, woodchips and others wood products. Its leaves can serve as the forage for livestock or decomposes be the soil fertilizer. Besides that, Acacia mangium sawdust can provide the substrate for the edible mushroom. (Lemmens etal, 1995) However, this tree species also useful for improve soil fertility. They can maintain the percentage of nitrogen and increase the soil biological activity. This tree is suitable to plant at the areas that heavily infested by weeds and it have the ability to overcome the competition from weeds such as Immperata grass. (Dhamodaran Chacko, 1999) 2.3 Biodiversity in Forest Plantation Forest plantation is covered more than 80 percent globally and Asia region is covered around 116 hectares (62 percent) in 2000. Forest plantation defined as forest stands established by planting in the afforestation or reforestation process. However, forest plantation area is establishes rapidly worldwide due to the demand of wood material. This trend has become loss of biodiversity especially for developing countries. Vegetation in primary forest is dense than In Sabah, forest plantation is mostly developed by state government during 1970an. Biodiversity in Malaysia is vary among the world. For example, there are more than 220 species of birds in the primary jungle of Malaysia. (Phillipps Phillipps, 2014) The index of biodiversity is changing based on the land use planning. Biodiversity is different between different types of forest as such as primary forest, secondary forest and plantation estate. Birds are migrates from one place to another place due to vary reason. The most common reason is environment change. Food resources are not diverse as primary forest. Mostly forest plantation is undergoes monoculture planting method. Tree species for plantation in Sabah are generally fast growing species such as Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus deglupta, Tectona grandis and others species. Clear felling before establish plantation can cause bird population decline dramatically. The reason is no suitable place for nesting and food searching. 3.0 Methodology 3.1 Location of Study The study site for this research is the eight years old Acacia mangium plantation in Sabah Forest Industries (SFI). Sabah Forest Industries (SFI) is located Sepitang, Sabah (Coordinates: 5 °144N 115 °3123E) and at the southwestern of Sabah state. This company is manages about 288138 hectares of forest estates that consist of natural forest management (NFM) area and industrial tree plantation. The total area for NFM area is 104822 hectares and industrial tree plantation area are consist by titled land (11845 hectares) and non-titled land (171471 hectares). This company was operated since 1987. Currently, SFI is own by Ballarpur Industries Limited which is a part of Avantha Group of companies. Geographical location Map Topography at sfi Historical of sfi and size of plantation SFI is the only one integrated pulp and paper manufacturer and is one of timber growers and wood processors in Malaysia. In SFI, consist of saw mill, veneer and plywood factory and pulp and paper manufacturing facilities. Market for SFI includes the domestic and international market of writing paper and market pulp. Wood material of SFI is harvest from forest estate that included NFM area and plantation. 3.2 Methods I will use transect survey to conduct this research. Transect is situated in Acacia mangium plantation. Each transect is 500m long and consist of 10 points. Each point is 50m apart. Observer obtains the incident data by bird sighting. I use incident observation as the method to observe bird in plantation. Observations are made using 3060 binocular. (Mohammad et al. 2011). Binocular is equipment that used to observe the bird species and its characteristics. After observation, the bird characteristic is sketched and recorded in sketch book. The incident data is recorded including the date, time, location and morphology of bird species. The bird species are then identified using Wong (2012). 3.3 Data Analysis After all data is collect, I identify each species of bird according to their morphology. The data is then analysis by using Shannon Index. 4.0 Expected result The species of bird is expected to have babbler, fantail, flowerpecker and spiderhunter at five years old A. mangium plantation. The reason is they are mainly insectivores species. Acacia mangium trees will produces seed pods once a year and this can attract some bird to foraging in the plantation. 5.0 Budget Binocular is the essential item for bird observing and it cost RM 30 which brought through website. There are two references books needed in this research. â€Å"Birds of Borneo† is a references book for identify bird follow the data that recorded in the sketch book. This book is written by Wong Tsu Shi and published by John Beaufoy Publishing Limited. This book cost RM 49.40. Another references book is â€Å"Phillipps’ field guide to the Birds of Borneo† written by Quentin Phillipps and Karen Philipps. This book is cost RM 79.20 and its function is same as the book â€Å"Bird of Borneo†. Besides that, budget for the documentation is around RM 200.00 including five copies laser jet printing, photocopy, binding and expenses for stationary. I also budget about RM 150.00 for transportation fees that include the fees for field trip to collect data. Furthermore, budget for food sources requires to considerate during fieldtrip. So, food sources budget is given a round RM 350.00 for 30 days fieldwork. The total up of all expenses in this research is about RM 808.60. 6.0 Work Schedule References â€Å"Aves: More on Morphology†. (n.d.) Retrieve from 11Jan 1996 â€Å"Bird Classification†. (2015). NewMedia Holdings,Inc. Retrieve from 22 feb 2015 â€Å"Bird Classifications/ Families†. (2009) Nutty Birdwatcher. Retrieve from 1 Dec 2009 Wooff, W.G. 2012. Sabah Forest Industries. 1 Nov 2011 Adam, N. S., Jusoh, I., Ishak, N. D. 2012. Growth Characteristics of Acacia mangium Plantation in Sarawak. International Plantation Industry Conference Exhibition. September 4-9, 2012. Kota Kinabalu Sabah. Betz,J. Parr, C. (n.d.) Encyclopedia of Life. Retrieve from Dhamodaran. T.K. Chacko, K.C. 1999. Growth and wood characteristics of Acacia mangium growth in Kerala. Kerala Forest Research Institute. Retrieve from Krisnawati, H., Kallio, M., Kanninen, M. 2011. Acacia mangium Wild.:ecology, silviculture and productivity. Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research. Lemmens, R. H. M. J., Soerianegara, I., Wong, W. C. 1995. Plant resources of South-East Asia No. 5 (2). Timber trees: minor commercial timbers. London: Backhuys Publishers. Mead, D. J., Miller, R. R. (1991, February). The establishment and tending of Acacia mangium. InACIAR Proc vol. 35, pp. 116-122. Styring, A.R., Ragai, R.,Unggang, J., Stuebing, R., Hosner, P.A., Sheldon, F.H. 2011. Bird community assembly in Bornean industrial tree plantations: Effect of forest age and structure. Forest Ecology and Management, 261, 531-544. Wong, T.S. 2011. Birds of Borneo. United Kingdom: John Beaufoy Publishing Limited. McDade, M.C. 2005. Grzimek’s student animal life resource, Birds. Canada: Thomson Gale. Phillipps, Q. Phillipps, K. 2014. Phillipps’ field guide to the birds of Borneo. United Kingdoms: John Beaufoy Publishing. Krishnapillay, D.K. 1998. Edited by Varmola. M. Case study of the tropical forest plantations in Malaysia. 1

Friday, October 25, 2019

Johnny Walker :: Johnny Walker Short Story Essays

Johnny Walker Sera walked into Circle K on fifth st. without noticing it had not been remodeled since 1986, and that someone from another, more financially kept city might actually find the convenience store to be disgusting, the dirt being so thick on the windows that you could only see blurry faces on the inside. Inside she saw five people in the store and believed that all of them were staring at her, looking through her like they knew more about herself than she did. The clerk, she thought, had even looked up from her monotonous duties at the cash register to glance her wrinkled leathery face in Sera's direction. An ugly bum in the beer section reached into the cooler with a calloused black hand as Sera walked through the candy aisle to pick up a case of Budweiser. "Ah yes, forty ounces to freedom." The black skinned bum grabbed a forty of old English malt liquor while he turned a decrepit smile toward Sera. She smiled back sheepishly without knowing why and took the Budweiser out of the fridge that Liza had sent for her to get. She thought of Liza as she stood in line behind the old bum. Her face, an illusion in her mind, made out of the back of the bums scraggily black afro. When she walked out the door the bum stood outside with his paper bagged forty in his hand. "Need any help with that tonight?" He grinned with a yellow and half tooth full mouth. "I tend to get pretty thirsty." He held up his forty as if to clarify his thought to Sera. Sera looked at the black man and saw how gross he looked, and then thought why not bring someone back to the apartment for Liza to fuck with. "Sure. I'm walking. It's just a couple of blocks down in the Kohler building." Her voice was firm but also curious. "Lets doer little woman." Sera rolled her eyes, turned around, and started walking. * * * When they passed the third floor on the way up to the Landlady's apartment Sera had glanced down the hall and seen that Luther's door lay wide open, and that some of his books had spilled out into the hallway toppled on top of each other. On the fourth floor, Liza's door lay open and Sera could hear her washing clothes while talking to Luther.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

To Kill a Mocking Bird Study Guide

To Kill a Mockingbird Study Guide and ActivitiesSHORT ANSWER STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS – To Kill A MockingbirdChapters 1-3: 1. Identify Atticus Finch, Jean Louise (Scout) Finch, Jem Finch, Maycomb, Calpurnia, Charles Baker (Dill) Harris, The Radley Place, Stephanie Crawford, Arthur (Boo) Radley, Miss Caroline Fisher, Walter Cunningham, and Burris Ewell. -Scout- Scout is the Narrator of the story. In the beginning she is going into the first grade, though, for her age she is extremely smart. Throughout the book you begin to realize that Scout speaks her mind, and isn’t timid. She is extremely curious. Atticus Finch- Atticus is Scout’s Father. He is an older man, and because of this, he is extremely wise. When Scout gets in trouble, he doesn’t tell her if what she did was right or wrong. He simply tells her that she needs to see it from the other person’s POV and she figures it out for herself. He is very understanding of his children and is easy- going. He has one brother and one sister Jem Finch- Jem is Scout’s Older Brother and Atticus’ eldest son. In the beginning of the book, he is going into the Fifth Grade. He is very supportive of Scout, and is just as curious as she is. The two of them still have this similar innocence.-Maycomb- Maycomb is where the story takes place.-Calpurnia- Calpurnia, or ‘Cal' as she is sometimes called, works for the Finches. She is what you could call a housemaid. She cleans, cooks and watches Jem and Scout when Atticus is at work. She is a well-respected person even though she is black. Sometimes throughout the book, you will see Cal acting as a motherly figure to Scout-Dill- Dill is a young boy that Scout and Jem meet in the beginning of the book, he is very small for somebody of his age, he is weak. He doesn’t live in Maycomb with Jem and Scout, but he comes down every summer to spend time with them. He is curious.-The Radley Place- The Radley place, is where Boo Radley and his family live. They hardly ev er go out, except to get the paper. The home of Mr. Nathan Radley, who is unfriendly. Nobody ever goes there.-Stephanie Crawford- Stephanie was the â€Å"all knowing gossip queen† of Maycomb. She knew everything about everything.-Boo Radley- Boo comes form a family of â€Å"foot-washing Baptists. † He used to hang outside the barbershops and go dancing with girls; and these things used to be considered as crimes.Since his family was so strict when it comes to religion, his father locked him away in the house in fear of his son going to Hell. Boo (Arthur) is highly misunderstood. Nobody really knows who he is anymore. In the book, he leaves things in a tree for Scout and Jem to find. These were his only means of communication. The children used to describe Boo as a six-foot tall monster that ate neighborhood cats raw. Though none of the things they said were actually true. Boo has one older brother- Nathanial- who appears as a small role in the book who takes care of Ar thur and almost acts as his father.At the end of the book, when Bob Ewell attacks the children, it is Boo who runs out of the Radley House and defends the children by stabbing Mr. Ewell fatally so that the kids could get away with little harm. The sheriff lies to the court about what happened saying that Ewell fell on his own knife, because he knew the court system was unjust and wouldn’t understand what really happened.-Miss Caroline- Miss Caroline is Scout's teacher. She is the teacher Scout hates because she punishes her when she stands up for Walter. Miss Caroline tells Scout to stop reading because she is â€Å"doin it all wrong. â€Å"-Walter Cunningham- Walter is a Cunningham.His family is extremely poor. On the first day of school, he didn’t have his lunch but he didn’t accept her quarter because he knew he couldn’t pay her back. His family is grateful for everything they get. Though they will not repay you with money, they can give you their st ories, firewood, and other things like that to repay you over time. Walter comes over to the Finch’s house on the first day of school for lunch. He pours molasses over his meat and vegetables. At the sight of what Walter was doing, Scout comments that that isn’t normal, but since Walter was a guest, Scout had no right to comment on his eating habits. Calpurnia noticed and scorned her for the incident.-Burris Ewell- Burris Ewell is one of the eight children of Bob Ewell. He had cooties and Miss Caroline sent him away because she was disgusted. He and his family only go to  school  for the first day every year, then leave, and are very proud of that. The Ewell Family is very ignorant and poor, and their father is awfully mean and the town drunk. Burris (like the rest of his family) is incredibly rude, yet doesn't know how to be any other way. 2. What did Dill dare Jem to do? Touch the Radley House 3. What was Scout's first â€Å"crime† at school?Knowing how to read exceptionally well for her age. 4. What was Calpurnia's fault? Scout said it was  Campania’s  fault that she could write. This also caused trouble for her at  school. Miss Caroline asked Scout to tell her father to stop teaching her. 5. Why did Scout rub Walter Cunningham's nose in the dirt? Scout stood up for Walter in class and tried to explain the Cunningham ways to Miss Caroline. For her explanations, Scout got in more trouble with Miss Caroline, so she took out  her revenge on Walter. 6. Scout said, † He isn’t company, Cal, he's just a Cunningham. † What did she mean by that, and what was Cal's answer?After commenting on Walter's unusual eating habits Scout was sternly talked to by Calpurnia. When Scout commented that â€Å"he's just a Cunningham,† it was based on the fact that in Maycomb. The Cunninghams were not looked upon as common townsfolk because of their poor status. She is just repeating what she hears in the community whe re she lives, and really doesn't mean any harm by it. Campania’s reply is somewhat rude. She is quick to correct her. â€Å"Hush your mouth. Don't matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house's you company, and don't let me catch you remarking' on their ways like you was so high and mighty!You' folks might be betters’ the Cunninghams but it don't count for nothing' the way you're disgracing' them – if you can't act fit to  eat  at the table you can just set here and eat in the kitchen! † 7. What two mistakes did Miss Caroline make on the first day of school? She offered Walter a quarter to get lunch, and 8. Why didn't the Ewells have to go to school? The Ewell’s were given â€Å"special privileges† like missing school because their father was extremely poor and spent all his money on alcohol. They had a very dysfunctional and nobody really wanted to get involved with them. * Chapters 4-7: 1.What did Scout and Jem find in the Radl eys' tree? 2 Indian head pennies, a spelling bee medal, 2 carved dolls, gum, and a watch 2. Identify Mrs. Dubose. An elderly, ill-tempered, racist woman who lives near the Finches. Although Jem believes that Mrs. Dubose is a thoroughly bad woman, Atticus admires her for the courage with which she battles her morphine addiction. At one point they destroy her flower and rose garden and Atticus has the children go over to her house to read to her / spend time with her as punishment. She eventually passes away, and Jem and Scout understand why she was the way she was. . How did Jem get even with Scout for contradicting him about â€Å"Hot Steams? † When it was her turn to ride in the tire, he gave her an extra-hard shove. She ended up in  the  Riddles' front yard. 4. What was the Boo Radley game? It was when Dill, Scout and Jem would act out the stories they heard about Boo Radley. It was a mostly fictional game since there was no proof what so ever that what they were acting out really happened. The would always start with Boo (Arthur) getting sentenced to the industrial school but his father not allowing him to go.The climax then always ended with Boo (always played by Jem) stabbing his father (played by Dill) in the leg with a pair of scissors. They played the game until Scout thought that it would offend Boo and made Jem stop. 5. Identify Miss Maudie. Miss Maudie was the nice neighbor who allowed Jem and dill and scout to play on her spacious yard. she is a widow and enjoys working on her garden and baking the kids cake. 6. What does Miss Maudie think of the Radleys? She thinks they have a right to do whatever they want to do as long as they are not bothering  anyone else, and she believes they have a right to their privacy . Why do Dill and Jem want to give Boo Radley a note? What does Atticus say when he finds out about their plan? They want to invite him out to play with them; they think he might enjoy that. Atticus tells  the boys to leave A rthur  Radley  alone, that if he wanted to be outside, he would. Atticus  also tells them that the proper way to extend the invitation would be at the Radley  front door instead of putting a note on a fishing pole and sticking that through the  window. 8. How did Jem lose his pants? What did he find when he went back for them? Jem, Scout and Dill went to look into the  Radley  house.When they were discovered, they ran. Jem  got caught on the fence, and in an effort to free  himself, he took off his pants and  left them on the fence. When he went back for them, they were mended and folded, sitting  on the fence. 9. What else did Jem and Scout find in the Radleys' tree? They found a ball of twine, two figures (resembling themselves) carved from soap, and a broken  watch 10. Why would there be no more surprises in the tree? Because Boo’s older brother filled the hole in the tree with cement so nothing else could be sent back and forth between him and the children.Chapters 8-9:1. What happened to Miss Maudie's house? What was her reaction? Maudie’s house burnt down. When it happened, she was very upset, but she was calm.2. Identify Cecil Jacobs. Cecil Jacobs is the little boy in the schoolyard that told all the kids Scout Finch’s Daddy defends niggers. Scout almost got in a fight with him3. What â€Å"disaster† happened at Christmas between Scout and Francis? Francis was tormenting Scout saying that here daddy was a â€Å"Nigger Lover†; Scout began to shrug it off because she thought she was too old to fight. But she finally punched Francis.4.What did Scout's Uncle Jack learn from Scout and Atticus? He learned to always listen to both sides of the story from Scout. He learned from Atticus that if a child asks you what something means, always tell them.* Chapters 10-111. What brave thing does Atticus do in Chapter 10? Why are Scout and Jem shocked? Atticus  shoots a mad dog. They are shocked because until this day, they think of  Atticus as  having no real talents or anything to be proud of. He never touched a gun, to their knowledge, and he did not believe in fighting. Thus, they are very surprised to find out about  Ã¢â‚¬Å"One-Shot Finch.2. What did Jem do when Mrs. Dubose said Atticus â€Å"lawed for niggers? † He took Scout's birthday baton and, waving it madly, cut the tops off of all of Mrs. Dubose's camellia bushes.3. What was Jem's punishment? He had to read to her. 4. What did Jem learn from his encounter with Mrs. Dubose and following her death? He learned that people aren't always what they seem, that one can't understand someone else  until one has all the facts, and, most importantly, that there is a different kind of courage  than physical courage.* Chapters 12-141. How does Jem change? Jem  is growing up. He is trying to make sense of things he sees, trying to be like  Atticus, and  trying to put behind him childish games and youthful pranks. Co nsequently, he is moody  sometimes and occasionally seems to lord his authority over Scout. She resents his  new â€Å"airs. â€Å"2. Identify Lula, Zeebo and Reverend Sykes. Lula was the woman at  Calpurnia's  church who made Scout and  Jem  feel unwelcome. Zeebo,  Cal's  son,  makes them feel welcome, as does Reverend Sykes, the preacher at Calpurnia's  church.3. What does Scout learn about Calpurnia? Scout learns that  Cal  leads a double life. She talks and acts like her black friends and neighbors  when she is with them, and she talks and acts more like white people when she is  with them. Scout thinks this is interesting and asks to visit  Cal  at her home one day.4. Who was waiting for the children when they came home from the church service? Why had she come? Aunt Alexandra was waiting for them. She had come to stay and â€Å"help out† while  Atticus would  be busy with the Robinson trial.5. â€Å"Aunt Alexandra fitted into the w orld of Maycomb like a hand in a glove, but never into the world of Jem and me. † Explain.Alexandra knew all the proper social things to say and do, and she knew a great deal of the  history of the local families. She joined some clubs and entertained at her home, and generally  did fit right into the town's society. However, Alexandra didn't understand or agree  with the values by which  Atticus  was raising his children. Therefore, she did not understand  the children's behavior. Because their value systems were different, they were more  often than not at odds.6. Atticus and Alexandra disagree about how to deal with the children. How does Atticus handle the situation? Atticus  makes the children obey Alexandra, but he lets them know that their relationship with  him will always be the same as it was. He tries to appease Alexandra when he can, but  on the major issues, he puts his foot down.7. Describe Jem and Scout's relationship through these chapters a s Jem matures. Jem  and Scout seem to grow apart, but they don't really. They fuss more often than they had, mostly because Scout resents  Jem's  telling her what to do. Actually, though, they are still  very close and join forces when their pride is at stake.8. Why did Dill run away from home back to Maycomb?Dill had everything a boy could want, except his parents didn't spend any time with him. He didn't feel like they needed him. He went back to Maycomb because he always saw how much attention Jem and Scout got. He wanted that attention.* Chapters 15-171. What did Mr. Heck Tate's mob want? They wanted to make sure that Atticus and Robinson would be alright2. What was the purpose of Walter Cunningham's mob? Cunningham's mob wanted to get to Tom Robinson to inflict  their own  justice upon him. If that meant they had to beat up  Atticus, they were willing to do that.3. Why did Mr. Cunningham's mob leave? Scout,  Jem  and Dill arrived on the scene.Scout came forwar d, and, while making her entrance  and looking at the crowd, she noticed Mr. Cunningham. She identified him and began  speaking to him on a personal basis, saying she was in his son's class and that he had  come to lunch. She also reminded him that  Atticus  had done some legal work for him. All of these things were said in an innocent conversation to Mr. Cunningham. How could he hurt this man when his kids were right there?4. Identify Mr. Dolphus Raymond. Mr. Dolphus  Raymond was a white man who married a black woman and lived with the black  community. Jem  has heard a story that Mr. Raymond is always drunk. However, we  learn later that this is just an act. )5. Identify Tom Robinson, Mr. Gilmer, Bob Ewell, Mayella Ewell, and Judge Taylor. Tom Robinson supposedly raped  Mayella  Ewell, Bob  Ewell's  daughter. Mr. Gilmer is the prosecuting  attorney. Judge Taylor will be the judge during Tom's trial.6. What was the importance of Mayella's bruises being p rimarily on the right-hand side of her face? Bruises on her right side indicate that a left-handed person inflicted the wounds.* Chapters 18-211. What was Mayella's account of the incident with Tom Robinson? Mayella  said she asked Tom to come into the yard to break up a  chiffarobe.When she went  into the house to get him a nickel, he had followed her in and then he grabbed her around  the neck and hit her. He â€Å"chunked [her] on the floor an' choked [her] ‘n took advantage  of [her]. † Her father came in and was standing over her, and then she fainted.2. What was Tom's side of the story? Mayella  asked Tom to come fix the hinges on the door in the house. Mayella  had saved enough  nickels to send all of the kids out for ice cream so she and Tom would be alone. She asked Tom to climb up on a chair to get a box, and as he stood there, she grabbed him  around the legs.When he hopped down off the chair, she jumped on him. She kissed him  on the side of the face. Tom wanted out and had to push  Mayella  away from the door. She was not hurt. He ran away before Mr. Ewell  could catch him.3. What was Tom's handicap? Why was it important to his case? Tom's left arm had been rendered useless in an accident. He could not have bruised Mayella's  right side and he more than probably would not have physically been able to force  himself on a strong, violently resisting young woman.4. What do Dill and Scout learn from Mr. Raymond? Dill and Scout learn that people aren't always as they appear to be.They learn that Mr. Raymond lives as he does because that's simply what he wants to do. Since people could never  accept that, he gives them a â€Å"reason to latch onto† so they can accept his behavior.5. What were Atticus' closing remarks to the jury? He said there was no medical evidence to suggest that  Mayella  had been raped, that the only  evidence was the questionable testimony of two witnesses. He painted a pic ture of Mayella  as a victim of poverty and ignorance, a lonely young woman who tempted and kissed  a Negro and then had to get rid of him, the evidence, of her crime against society's unspoken  laws.He tried to remind the jury of Thomas Jefferson's words that â€Å"all men are created  equal,† and that their job as a jury was to give a fair trial to the defendant.6. What was the jury's verdict? Guilty.* Chapters 22-251. Why did Jem cry? He didn’t believe that Tom Robinson was guilty because the jury had no real proof. Also, when Tom was convicted, he was amazed that the people he was raised around and grew up with could be so unjust to a man just because of the color of his skin.2. What was â€Å"'round the back steps† when Calpurnia came in on Monday morning? The black community had left all kinds of food for  Atticus  and his family as a gesture of their  thanks and respect of him for his defending Tom Robinson.3. What was the significance of Ma udie's two little cakes and one large one? Maudie  had two little cakes for Scout and Dill, but  Jem  got a slice from the big cake. This was  Maudie's  symbolic way of saying she accepted  Jem  as a young man instead of a  boy.4. Describe Bob Ewell's meeting with Atticus at the post office. Bob  Ewell  wanted to fight with  Atticus. Atticus  just said he was too old to fight, and he walked  away. Bob  Ewell  threatened to get even.5.What is Atticus' reaction to Ewell's threats? He rationally understands that  Ewell  is upset, and he allows Mr. Ewell  the right to be upset. However, he does not believe that Bob  Ewell  would actually do any terrible physical  harm to anyone.6. Alexandra doesn't want Scout playing with Walter Cunningham. Why not? Alexandra thinks the  Cunninghams  are trash because they don't have the â€Å"background† of  the Finches.7. Jem said. â€Å"I think I'm beginning to understand why Boo Radley's stayed shut up in the house all this time . . . it's because he wants to stay inside. † Why does he say that? The world is starting to ook mighty complicated to  Jem. The jury decision, all the talk about  social class and the problem of what exactly â€Å"background† means, and Mr. Raymond's false drinking problem are all weighing on his mind, and he's trying to get things  all sorted out with nice, neat definitions. He is learning that things in the real world just  aren't easy to sort-out and understand.8. Mrs. Merriweather of the missionary circle complains about her cooks and field hands. What does that tell us about her? As a member of the missionary circle, she is very concerned about the personal welfare of  many Africans, but in her own back yard, Mrs. Merriweather  is as prejudiced as she can  be.9. What happened to Tom Robinson? Tom was shot when he tried to escape from prison.10. What more do we learn about Alexandra after Atticus and Calpurnia leave ? Alexandra is given a more rounded personality in this section. We see clearly for the first time  that she loves and is concerned for her brother. We see her take the news of Tom's death  with great difficulty, yet she gathers herself together and carries on with her guests. She seems a bit more human and a bit  more noble  than she has been painted prior to this.11. What did Mr. Underwood's editorial say?Alexandra is given a more rounded personality in this section. We see clearly for the first time  that she loves and is concerned for her brother. We see her take the news of Tom's death  with great difficulty, yet she gathers herself together and carries on with her guests. She seems a bit more human and a bit  more noble  than she has been painted prior to this.* Chapters 26-311. What was Scout's fantasy regarding Arthur (Boo) Radley?2. What did Scout hear Miss Gates say at the courthouse? In class, Miss Gates said, â€Å"That's the difference between America a nd Germany. We are a democracy and Germany is a dictatorship. . . We don't believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people who are prejudiced. † What does this tell us about Miss Gates?3. What happened to Judge Taylor?4. What happened to Helen Robinson?5. What was Scout's part in the pageant? She was a ham6. Why did Scout and Jem not leave the school until almost everyone else had gone?7. What happened to Jem and Scout on the way home from the pageant? Mr. Bob Ewell attacked the kids with a switchblade.8. Who saved Jem and Scout? Who killed Bob Ewell? Boo Radley saw what was happening and grabbed the kitchen knife. He ran out and stabbed Ewell to death9. Why did Heck Tate insist that Bob Ewell fell on his own knife? Because if people found out that Boo did it, they would never leave him alone, nor would they understand why he did it.10. Scout arranged things so that â€Å"if Miss Stephanie Crawford was watching from her upstairs window, she would see Arthur Radl ey escorting [her] down the sidewalk, as any gentleman would do. † Why did she do that?11. As Scout leaves the Radley porch, she looks out at the neighborhood and recounts the events of the last few years from the Radleys' perspective. Why

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dyslexia and its manifestation in Secondary School

In 1968, the World Federation of Neurologists defined dyslexia as â€Å" a upset in kids who, despite conventional schoolroom experience, fail to achieve the linguistic communication accomplishments of reading, authorship, and spelling commensurate with their rational abilities † . Harmonizing to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, dyslexia is aA larning disabilityA that can impede a individual ‘s ability to read, compose, spell, and sometimes speak.A Dyslexia is the most common acquisition disablement inA childrenA and persists throughout life. The badness of dyslexia can change from mild to severe. The Oklahoman dyslexia is treated, the more favorable the result ; nevertheless, it is ne'er excessively late for people with dyslexia to larn to better their linguistic communication accomplishments. Children with dyslexia have trouble in larning to read despite traditional direction, at least mean intelligence, and an equal chance to larn. It is caused by damage in the encephalon ‘s ability to interpret images received from the eyes or ears into apprehensible linguistic communication. It does non ensue from vision or hearing jobs. It is non due toA mental deceleration, encephalon harm, or a deficiency of intelligence. Dyslexia can travel undetected in the early classs of schooling. The kid can go frustrated by the trouble in larning to read, and other jobs can originate that will mask dyslexia. The kid may demo marks ofA depressionA and low self-pride. Behaviour jobs at place every bit good as at school are often seen. The kid may go unmotivated and develop a disfavor for school. The kid ‘s success in school may be jeopardized if the job remains untreated. Dyslexia may impact several different maps. Ocular dyslexia is characterized by figure and missive reversals and the inability to compose symbols in the right sequence. Auditory dyslexia involves trouble with sounds of letters or groups of letters. The sounds are perceived as jumbled or non heard right. â€Å" Dysgraphia † refers to the kid ‘s trouble retention and commanding a pencil so that the right markers can be made on the paper. Classroom instructors may non be able to find if a kid has dyslexia. They may observe early marks that suggest farther appraisal by a psychologist or other wellness professional in order to really name the upset. Letter and figure reversals are the most common warning mark. Such reversals are reasonably common up to the age of 7 or 8 and normally diminish by that clip. If they do non, it may be appropriate to prove for dyslexia or other larning jobs. Difficulty copying from the board or a book can besides propose jobs. There may be a general disorganisation of written work. A kid may non be able to retrieve content, even if it involves a favorite picture or storybook. Problems with spacial relationships can widen beyond the schoolroom and be observed on the resort area. The kid may look to be uncoordinated and have trouble with organized athleticss or games. Trouble with left and right is common, and frequently laterality for either manus has non been established. In the early classs , music and dance are frequently used to heighten academic acquisition. Children with dyslexia can hold trouble traveling to the beat of the music. Children may hold dyslexia or a learning disablement if they have one or more of the undermentioned symptoms: Letter or word reversals when reading. ( Such as was/saw, b/d, p/q ) . Letter or word reversals when authorship. Trouble reiterating what is said to them. Poor handwriting or publishing ability. Poor pulling ability. Change by reversaling letters or words when spelling words that are presented orally. Trouble groking written or spoken waies. Trouble with right – left directivity. Trouble understanding or retrieving what is said to them. Trouble understanding or retrieving what they have merely read. Trouble seting their ideas on paper. Auditory jobs in dyslexia encompass a assortment of maps. Normally, a kid may hold trouble retrieving or understanding what he hears. Remembering sequences of things or more than one bid at a clip can be hard. Partss of words or parts of whole sentences may be missed, and words can come out sounding good story. The incorrect word or a similar word may be used alternatively. Children fighting with this job may cognize what they want to state but have problem happening the existent words to show their ideas. Many elusive marks can be observed in kids with dyslexia. Children may go withdrawn and look to be depressed. They may get down to move out, pulling attending off from their acquisition trouble. Problems with self-esteem can originate, and equal and sibling interactions can go labored. These kids may lose their involvement in school-related activities and look to be unmotivated or lazy. The emotional symptoms and marks are merely every bit of import as the academic and require equal attending. Over 180 research surveies to day of the month hold proven that phonics is the best manner to learn reading to all pupils. They besides have shown that phonics is the lone manner to learn reading to pupils with dyslexia and other larning disablements. The challenge for instruction governments is to supply the leading and to concentrate the resources necessary to guarantee the development of dyslexia friendly schools. Bing an effectual school and being dyslexia friendly are two sides of the same coin. Effective schools enjoy strong leading, value staff development and wage close attending to the quality of direction and acquisition. These are schools in which all kids are of import regardless of ability or trouble. Dyslexia in schools demands to be seen to hold position within the school. This can be achieved by guaranting that the governors are steadfastly committed to back uping dyslexic kids across the course of study. The most effectual manner would be through the School Development Plan: Offering comprehensive preparation Explicating a common attack Puting marks based on National Curriculum forms Puting in topographic point monitoring and rating systems. Head instructors need to take the duty of guaranting that the doctrine of the school is dyslexia friendly. This might associate to attitudes and actions held by instructors and support staff. All staff needs to be cognizant that although kids might hold failings with specific parts of course of study entree, they are likely to be at least of mean ability if non a great trade higher. Parents need to be brought into the changing set up, their concerns heard and their cooperation sought where possible. It is of import to indicate out that it is really helpful when kids receive a high grade for content and cognition instead than ever being penalised due to hapless presentation accomplishments, spelling, punctuation and grammar. The kid should be acquiring aid in these countries of failing and should be motivated to maintain seeking pass holding his ideas, thoughts and cognition valued. Within schools there is the necessity for a scope of developing demands to be carried out with relevant staff. It would be ideal to hold a dyslexia-trained specializer in every school. To make so there is the demand for mainstream instructors and knowing larning support helpers in the schoolroom to assist the kid on a regular footing. In add-on it would be extremely utile for caput instructors and governors to go to awareness-raising Sessionss on the demands of the dyslexic kid and the benefits to the school of dyslexia proviso. As Reid ( 1997 ) says of instructor preparation: it is of import that schoolroom instructors receive some preparation in dyslexia offering both theoretical penetrations and practical experience.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Phishing Fraud essays

Phishing Fraud essays Thanks to advancements in computing technology, the use of e-mail for communication has become omnipresent, especially in business. As Kruck and Kruck (2006) note, as an organization's dependence on e-mail for communication increases, so does the opportunity for problems to arise. One such problem is the increased numbers of spoofed e-mails, where a communication is sent masquerading as another party, as a means of committing phishing fraud. The first recorded use of the word phishing is documented on the alt.onlin-service.america-online Usenet newsgroup, on January 2, 1996. Some sources, however note the term having appeared earlier in a hacker magazine 2600. The word itself is a variant of the word fishing and alludes to the luring of victims into giving away sensitive information, such as passwords and financial information. It has also been attributed to possibly the term phreaking as well as being a portmanteau of password harvesting and an example of folk etmology. Although phishing is most often conducted via e-mail, phishers have also been known to use instant messaging as well as phone contact (Phishing, 2007). America Online was the first victims of phishing fraud. Prior to the creation of phishing, perpetrators would would use fake algorithmically generated credit card numbers, in order to create accounts on AOL. These accounts would last weeks or even months before the organization would catch the fraudulent activity, giving the person free Internet access until it was discovered. When AOL took measures in late 1995 to prevent this from happening, phishing was developed to gain access to legitimate accounts (Phishing, 2007). Phishing on AOL was first conducted via instant messaging. A phisher would pose as an AOL staff member and send an instant message to a potential victim, asking them to reveal their password, often telling th...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Man Who Invented Time-Slice Camera Essay Essays

The Man Who Invented Time-Slice Camera Essay Essays The Man Who Invented Time-Slice Camera Essay Essay The Man Who Invented Time-Slice Camera Essay Essay Essay Topic: Equus When person mentions the film Matrix. what most of us would automatically retrieve are the ocular effects technically known as slug clip. where actions or characters seemed to hold frozen in clip and so moved in a truly slow gesture. Since its popularisation in the film. many have adopted the technique. While many have started using frozen minutes. it was Tim Macmillan who discovered and developed that photographic method utilizing proficient and conceptual ways. Background Born in Portland. Oregon. on Aug. 3. 1959. Tim Macmillan has studied picture as a Fine Art pupil in Bath Academy of Art before switching to photography. It was in 1980 that his wonder was sparked and made him experiment in 2D medium to research 3D infinite. In other words. Macmillan wanted to use photographic techniques to experiment with clip and infinite. Macmillan found inspiration to happen a new manner to capture actions and looks through English photographer Eadweard Muybridge’s work. Animal Locomotion ( Prince ) . From 1982 to 1984. Tim Macmillan continued analyzing in several art establishments. during which clip. he found major ways to stop dead evident clip in a gesture image tracking shooting through the usage of multiple apertures. Name 3 Date Career Macmillan as an creative person is involved in picture taking. movie installing and telecasting production. At the start of his professional calling in 1984. Macmillan earned his life being a free-lance lensman and film maker. He so lived in Tokyo. Japan. to analyze Archery. His stay at that place lasted for five old ages before returning to the United Kingdom in 1990 to set-up his ain studio in Bath still making free-lance work. All this clip. Macmillan neer forgot his quest to happen that new method of capturing motion. Before long. he devised his first time-slice equipment. a petroleum camera design that shortly developed into something more sophisticated. In an interview. Macmillan named two inventions that helped him travel frontward with his end: the production of high-quality plastic lens. and the birth of the T-Grain 500 ASA movie ( Prince ) . Despite this progresss in his work. Macmillan was unable to capture the involvement of the advertisement industry. The medium was unseasoned and advertizers were unwilling to experiment in an invention that might do them to lose money. It was merely in 1993 through a primetime BBC scientific discipline plan that he was able to demo the populace an illustration of his work. What he showed on air stirred the populace. which likely why his technique has started to derive notice. After that. he was engaged by BBC to make documental series of natural history. He besides got calls from telecasting and film makers. Macmillan’s interruption in advertisement came in 1995 when he was commissioned to make the Name 4 Date London Static ad for Capital Radio by Smoke A ; Mirrors. He was shortly busily engaged making one undertaking after another. which included films and ad runs even in the United States. His plant included the film Wing Commander. Merlin. and ads for Nintendo. Reebok and Drug Free America. In 1996. Macmillan’s calling as a movie manager of music picture. commercials. and short movies started. A twelvemonth subsequently. he started his ain company. Time-Slices Films. Ltd. . with the vision of set uping the frozen-time technique within the telecasting and gesture image industries. It was during this clip that Macmillan reached the apogee of his end. He was already known and had proven his worth as an creative person. manager. and photographer. It was besides at this period that Macmillan had the perfect camera combination that could track shootings in any combination of time-slice motion. He called these cameras Susan and Josephine. As described in the artist’s Website. these cameras are portable and really efficient that they could track chetah running at 60 metres an hr. or dolphins in the Caribbean. and even snowball battles at below zero temperature. In BBC’s fresh assignment of a natural history series. Macmillan applied time-slice techniques in a more advanced mode utilizing a multi-flash system. In existent life comparing. watching this particular consequence in a film can be likened to walking around a statue to see it from different angles. Macmillan has realized his dream of doing a 3-dimensional scene appear planar to viewing audiences. Name 5 Date Dead Horse Among all of Macmillan’s noteworthy plants. it was his Dead Horse installing graphics that has gotten the highest acknowledgment and established him as an creative person of the highest quality. The graphics shows a adult male keeping a Equus caballus by the reins. The animate beings head near to the adult male. The Equus caballus is captured while its four hooves are off the land. organic structure striving from its reins. At first glimpse. it would look like the adult male is drawing the Equus caballus towards one of the stallss. But on closer review of the background shadow. a rifle can be seen pointed at the horse’s caput. The scene is in fact taken from an butchery. and the Equus caballus is seeking to fly from its decease. But it was already excessively tardily ; the slug has entered the animal’s caput. The work captures the animate being. which is surely traveling to decease but is non dead yet. It was a attractively affecting work of art. The Dead Horse has been dubbed a authoritative in the life dead genre. In this art. Macmillan showed that as an creative person he understood that picture taking life can merely be viewed as a re-animation that is neither life nor decease ( Barrett ) . Other Plants From 1984 to 2000. Macmillan has done 29 exhibitions and filmography ; eight agitation showing ; eighteen air Television work and time-slice particular effects ; and 24 commercial directing. His recent plants. through the Time-Slice company. include BBC’s Light Fantastic Logo. MacDonald’s. and Expedia. Plants Cited Barrett. David. â€Å"Animation. † Frieze Magazine Issue 42. September-October 1998. 7 November 2007 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. frieze. com/issue/review/animation/ gt ; Picture This place page. Tim Macmillan Touring Project. 7 November 2007 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. picture-this. org. uk/2000/tim. htm gt ; Photographers at Duckspool. Home page. 2004. Tim Macmillan. 7 November 2007. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. duckspool. com/duckspool/tutors/tim_macmillan/tim_macmillan_main. htm gt ; Prince. Ron.â€Å"Freezing the action: Tim Macmillan continues to make astonishing images and has some new fast ones up his arm – Special Report: Technology – Brief Article. † Advanstar Communications. Inc. June 2002. 7 November 2007 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //leo. stcloudstate. edu/research/mlaelecmedia. html # professional gt ; â€Å"Tim Macmillan. †Ocular Artists. 7 November 2007. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //realworld. co. uk/art/timmac/index. hypertext markup language gt ; Time-Slice Films. Homepage. 7 November 2007 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. timeslicefilms. com/ gt ;

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Meanings of Santo in Spanish

Meanings of Santo in Spanish Catholicism has always been the dominant religion in countries where Spanish is dominant. So it shouldnt come as any surprise that some words related to the religion have come to have broad meanings. One such word is santo, which is most commonly translated as saint as a noun, holy as an adjective. (Like the English words saint and sanctify, santo comes from the Latin word sanctus, meaning holy.) According to the Diccionario de la lengua espaà ±ola, santo has no less than 16 meanings. Among them: Perfect and free of sin.A person declared as such by the Church.A virtuous person.Said of something that is dedicated to God or a holy service.Said of something that is generated.Describing a religious festival.Sacred.Holy.Said of something that brings good luck.Characteristic of the Catholic church.A persons saints day or name day.A spouse.A picture of a saint.A type of portrait in a book. In many cases, holy is a good translation of santo  as an adjective, even when it isnt to be understood literally. For example, No sabà ­amos que estbamos en suelo santo could be translated as We didnt know we were on holy ground. Santo also is used in a variety of idioms and phrases. Here are some of them:  ¿A santo de quà ©?: Why in the world?Llegar y besar el santo: to succeed at something immediately or on the first try. (Su sustituto, Juanjo, llegà ³ y besà ³ el santo: gol en su primer partido. His substitute, Juanjo, pulled it off right away: a goal in the first period.)Campo santo: cemetery.Espà ­ritu Santo: Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost.Guerra santa: holy war.Hierba santa or hoja santa: a type of tropical herb.Hora santa: prayer is given before the Eucharist, or in commemoration of the suffering of Jesus.Hueso de santo: a type of almond pastry in the shape of a bone.Lengua santa: the Hebrew language.Mano de santo: fast and complete cure for an ailment or problem.Quedarse para vestir santos: to remain unmarried (said of a woman).Santa Faz: an image of the face of Jesus.Santa Sede: Holy See.Santo de cara: good luck. (Cierto es que no todo el mundo tiene el santo de cara. Its certain that not everyone has good luck.)Santo de espaldas: bad luck. (Los habitantes de El à dolo descri ben a 1998 con una frase: Tuvimos al santo de espaldas. The residents of El Idolo describe 1998 with the phrase: We had bad luck.) Santo de pajares: a person whose sainthood cant be trusted.Santo y seà ±a: military password.Semana Santa: Holy Week (the week preceding Easter, including Good Friday).Tierra Santa: Holy Land. Santo can function as either a noun or adjective. As such it is frequently used in additional forms santa, santos and santas. Of course, Santo and its variations also have been used as a title of sorts before the names of Saints: San Josà © (St. Joseph), Santa Teresa (St. Teresa). Sample Sentences Showing Uses of Santo Jerusalà ©n, Santiago de Compostela y Roma son las principales ciudades santas del cristianismo. (Jerusalem, Santiago de Compostela, and Rome are the main holy cities of Christianity.) El Estado Islmico instà ³ a los musulmanes a lanzar una guerra santa contra los rusos y los estadounidenses. (The Islamic State urged Muslims to launch a holy war against the Russians and the Americans.) Mi santo y yo somos incompatibles en gustos cinematogrficos. My husband and I are incompatible in which movies we like. El Jueves Santo es el momento central de la Semana Santa y del aà ±o lità ºrgico. Maundy Thursday is the climax of Holy Week and of the liturgical year. El jazz no es santo de mi devocià ³n. Jazz isnt my cup of tea.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

South Africa Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

South Africa Tourism - Essay Example The Dutch East India Company was the pioneer European settler on Cape of Good Hope. They established permanent colony comprising of 15000 setters. The number rose to above 15000 by the end of 18th century. The other settlers or area came in 1795 and tried to make an independent republic. These were known as Boers of Afrikaners (Binns & Nel 236). In 1815, Britain was able to control the cape colony and brought 5000 settlers at the end of Napoleonic Wars. That was the era when African blacks were being released from slavery and they were moving back to Africa. This was known as â€Å"Great Trek† when Africans were settling North and East into African tribal territory. They also explored the areas of Orange Free State and Transvaal (South African Tourism 61). The year of 1867 is of great importance as gold and discovery of diamond attracted the outlanders to invade the land. Outlanders came to republics and tried to convince Prime Minister Cecil Rhodes for invasion. Rhodes execut ed a plan but failed and Rhodes was forced to resign from his office. This war was named as inevitable war, which started on 11 Oct 1899.Boers was defeated in the war which resulted in the creation of Union of South Africa. Union was composed of four provinces including former provinces as well. Cape and Natal colonies were also part of Union. Botha had the honor of becoming first Prime Minister.African National Congress came into existence in 1912 which marked the beginning of organized political activity in the country.

Multinational Corporations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Multinational Corporations - Essay Example Multinational Corporations have now become an integral part of the international society. Whether these multinational giants are beneficial or damaging to the society as such is a question which is debatable. There are opinions for and against the multinationals depending upon one’ perspective and social position in this world. We shall discuss the impact of multinational corporations in detail and present views for and against them in the following paragraphs. One major factor to be considered when one talks about multinationals is that most of them are from the developed countries like the USA, Japan, UK, France and Germany (International Labour Organization {ILO} website). Other countries are almost non participants or have just started making their presence felt as exemplified by the Daewoo Corporation of Korea and Venezuela (oil company), according to ILO. No doubt that multinationals have been in existence from the very beginning ever since companies and corporations came into being and looked beyond their horizons for business. The British Empire which ruled most parts of the world in the last two centuries is an example of a multinational temperament and presence. The multinationals do cover up some of the essential requirements of the human race and strive to fulfil every need but at the same time they tend to obliterate any small enterprise which attempts to launch similar products or services.

Multinational Corporations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Multinational Corporations - Essay Example Multinational Corporations have now become an integral part of the international society. Whether these multinational giants are beneficial or damaging to the society as such is a question which is debatable. There are opinions for and against the multinationals depending upon one’ perspective and social position in this world. We shall discuss the impact of multinational corporations in detail and present views for and against them in the following paragraphs. One major factor to be considered when one talks about multinationals is that most of them are from the developed countries like the USA, Japan, UK, France and Germany (International Labour Organization {ILO} website). Other countries are almost non participants or have just started making their presence felt as exemplified by the Daewoo Corporation of Korea and Venezuela (oil company), according to ILO. No doubt that multinationals have been in existence from the very beginning ever since companies and corporations came into being and looked beyond their horizons for business. The British Empire which ruled most parts of the world in the last two centuries is an example of a multinational temperament and presence. The multinationals do cover up some of the essential requirements of the human race and strive to fulfil every need but at the same time they tend to obliterate any small enterprise which attempts to launch similar products or services.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Governance of Globalisation; Is it time for an alternative Essay

The Governance of Globalisation; Is it time for an alternative approach - Essay Example The dominant system for world governance in the first wave of globalisation was the colonial domination of the world by European powers. In the second wave of globalisation, various international agencies were established to loosely oversee the liberalised world economic order. The important international agencies which were established to oversee the global system were the International Monetary Fund or the IMF and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or GATT. The GATT was later transformed into the World Trade Organisation or the WTO, which is made up of 28 intergovernmental agreements by which member states agree to limit their sovereign right to intervene in international trade. It was hoped that with such agencies, it will be possible to facilitate international trade and manage the international economic system. The WTO today has 144 member states and an additional 30 which are awaiting accession. The benefits that have been provided by the WTO agreements include the libe ralisation of international trade, the rule of law, a procedure for the settlement of disputes, cutting of tariffs by the industrialised world and the elimination of the most favoured nation status amongst others. These measures have considerably enhanced the volume of international trade with nearly 25% of the global output being traded. Despite the criticism levied against it, the WTO has been successful in the past 50 years to provide a mechanism to avoid protectionism and trade retaliation, with its Council having authorised retaliation through tariff increases in very few cases. Government trade policies are more stable and predictable and the international trade which is vital for global stability keeps flowing (Von Braunmohel, 2005, Chapters 1 – 2), (Strange, 2003, Complete), (Kimon, 2000, Complete), (Institute for International Economics,

Leadership Blogs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership Blogs - Assignment Example The progress of a leader is clear when the leader which an individual influences the group of individuals to attain a common goal/ One of the best attitudes that are seen in leadership is in the movie Remember the Titans. In one of the most exemplified films, leadership is depicted by both. Both men depict leadership development as they put aside their differences for the well-being of the team. It is clear to understand that this relationship extended beyond just football, it was a testament to the development of a collaborative effort. Leadership development is a process and not a sprint, it takes time to cultivate this experience as depicted by Julius and his teammate. Putting aside differences teaches a valuable lesson that collaboratively nothing is impossible. Leadership styles in different culture vary in midst of cultures because it is based on values that are different. For instance, eastern cultures often portray leadership via fear. Dictatorship for often is stemmed for embedding fear in people. Most people have leadership in other cultures have given a promise to people that have allowed them to be leaders. For instance, Hitler was a great leader because he promised people with incentives and glory. Leaders in other cultures have always tried to promote glory and nationalism which brought them power, prestige and wealth. In most cases, the people do not approve the leadership of these leaders and are forced to follow them. Dictatorship and autocracy in the Middle East and communism has been evident throughout history. Another great example can be depicted in leaders in Great Britain. Most British leaders are diplomatic, willing to compromise, and honest. However, at times they can also inflict they supremacy when necessary. From a modern perspective, leadership styles are more of followers pushing a leader to spearhead and take a proactive role. Leaders in the modern country are more prone to criticism and hence are more democratic.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Lesson 14 discussions and assignment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lesson 14 discussions and assignment - Coursework Example Rock ‘n’ roll transformed teenagers into a marketing concept. On 13th October 1958, pop singer Jo Stafford commented that â€Å"Rock ‘n’ roll is an economic thing† (, n.d.). Teenagers were considered as the first generation to become a sufficient market for rock ‘n’ roll because they were given enough money by their parents to buy music in large quantities that can influence the music market. Rock ‘n’ roll music got the attention of youth since 1952. The economy had allowed them to owned radios and televisions. Because ‘n’ and roll was becoming popular, radios and televisions played it regularly (, n.d). The music was easy to dance to, appealing mainly to teenagers who saw fun in dancing. The music was therefore played for dance in the inner-city, especially black schools, and parties for white schools. The income channeled to music in 1950s also benefited the increasing range of advertisers targeting teenagers (Campbell and Brody, 1999). Teen-oriented radio stations and television programmes (e.g. American Bandstand) were also developed to meet the increasing teenage demand for rock ‘n’ roll music. Teenagers also purchased rock ‘n’ roll music records as a way of rebelling against adults in order to assert their generational identity. In the subsequent decades, the strategies for marketing rock music changed as technologies and recording studios became an avenue for marketing music in 1960s and 1970s (Campbell and Brody, 1999). New generation record producers such as Smokey Robinson and Brian Wilson had a commercial challenge to widen the concept of music beyond rock ‘n’ roll, and to target a wider sphere of teenage

Development of a New Snack Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development of a New Snack - Case Study Example This puts pressure on the manufacturers of children's snack products to rethink their advertising and marketing strategies for this market group, and it also alters the process of product development by introducing new factors into their external environment analysis. The British Medical Association (2005) has also expressed its concern with regards to the increasing levels of childhood obesity in the country, which are a result of poor nutrition and exercise. Snacks probably of concern to the BMA as well as a result of their advertising and marketing which is targeted at children. This is supported by research conducted by the BMA (2005), the EU and the University of Strathclyde which demonstrated that marketing is influential in the decisions made to purchase particular foods. Another finding of this research was that children were not able to assess the nutritional quality of foods advertised to them, which further supported the actions of other European countries who have taken a step further by prohibiting advertising aimed at children (BMA 2005). The systematic review conducted by the University of Strathclyde highlighted that food advertising to children in the UK was higher, the food advertised was less healthy and that food promotion was affecting children's preferences, behaviour and consumption (BMA 2005). This brief summary of the UK highlights the potential prob... ing public pressure and regulation is bound to affect the external environmental analyses that are undertaken, which will adversely affect profits and revenue. To further understand the potential risks faced by children's snack product developers, it is necessary to undertake a brief analysis of the external environment in this industry. 2.0 The External Environment Analysis The external environment analysis is important for organisations as product development is often influenced by the needs of the consumer and the ability of the organisation to meet the consumers' needs (Brassington and Stephen 2005). In other words, the external environmental analysis prioritises the most important influences in the product market. For organisation involved in the production of snacks for children, the external environmental analysis is even more important, as their target market is one which does earn income, which means that the focus is then placed on those able to purchase the products, such as the parents. This analysis also defines the scope for the organisation, with which they can influence the needs of children by targeting their parents and other channels which children are often exposed to. Therefore it would follow that parents and marketing channels will prove to be the most influential in meeting their goals. However, recent consumer and government pres sure is forcing children's snack producers to re-evaluate their external environment analysis. As the analysis will focus on external influences, the most appropriate tool is the PEST analysis which stands for Political, Economic, Social and Technology (Sullivan and Adcock 2002). 3.0 Children's Snack Product Market In the UK advertising snack products to children has fallen by approximately 15%, which

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Lesson 14 discussions and assignment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lesson 14 discussions and assignment - Coursework Example Rock ‘n’ roll transformed teenagers into a marketing concept. On 13th October 1958, pop singer Jo Stafford commented that â€Å"Rock ‘n’ roll is an economic thing† (, n.d.). Teenagers were considered as the first generation to become a sufficient market for rock ‘n’ roll because they were given enough money by their parents to buy music in large quantities that can influence the music market. Rock ‘n’ roll music got the attention of youth since 1952. The economy had allowed them to owned radios and televisions. Because ‘n’ and roll was becoming popular, radios and televisions played it regularly (, n.d). The music was easy to dance to, appealing mainly to teenagers who saw fun in dancing. The music was therefore played for dance in the inner-city, especially black schools, and parties for white schools. The income channeled to music in 1950s also benefited the increasing range of advertisers targeting teenagers (Campbell and Brody, 1999). Teen-oriented radio stations and television programmes (e.g. American Bandstand) were also developed to meet the increasing teenage demand for rock ‘n’ roll music. Teenagers also purchased rock ‘n’ roll music records as a way of rebelling against adults in order to assert their generational identity. In the subsequent decades, the strategies for marketing rock music changed as technologies and recording studios became an avenue for marketing music in 1960s and 1970s (Campbell and Brody, 1999). New generation record producers such as Smokey Robinson and Brian Wilson had a commercial challenge to widen the concept of music beyond rock ‘n’ roll, and to target a wider sphere of teenage

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Research Paper Example These x-rays are produced by neutron stars or extremely hot objects and a few radioactive sources. Moreover, in the medical field, x-rays are used to treat cancers, and that while soft x-rays are stopped by air, hard x-rays can penetrate deeply into the damaged tissue (â€Å"The Electromagnetic Spectrum†). Nevertheless, one distinguishing feature of x-rays in its use in geophysics is that through x-ray images of the sun, one can obtain important clues with regard to solar flares and other physical changes in the sun that can affect space weather and Earth weather. (De Lloyd) Ultraviolet Rays Aside from the practical uses of UV in detecting forged bank notes, hardening certain types of dental filling and sterilization of surgical equipment in hospitals (â€Å"Ultra Violet†), this kind of light is also placed on UV telescopes on satellites in order to measure the amount of UV coming from stars, galaxies and the Sun itself. Moreover, astronomers can study stars and galaxie s by virtue of the UV light that they give off (â€Å"Ultraviolet Waves,† NASA). ... In the portable spectrometer, UV light is used with all the visible light as well as Near Infrared light. (â€Å"Observing the Earth†) Visible Rays Aside from its most practical purpose, which is to allow the eyes to view the world, visible light, it is also used for communication, specifically in the â€Å"transport [of] huge volumes of information over very large distances† by means of internal reflection in optical fibers (Emery). Moreover, visible red, green and blue false color assignments are used to reflect radiant energy emitted by the Earth’s surface and atmosphere. Specifically, visible blue light from 0.45 to 0.52  µm is used for mapping details of how deep water-covered areas are, considering that it is the most absorbed wavelength of water. Visible blue light is also utilized by the Landsat TM satellite sensor as spectral band 1 (â€Å"An Introduction to Remote Sensing,† Yale University). Landsat TM is a satellite sensor that detects changes in the biosphere such as wildfires, deforestation and natural calamities and such data on these changes will be provided to concerned institutions including the government, the education sector as well as commercial and industrial communities. (â€Å"Landsat Multispectral Scanner†) Visual green light, on the other hand, from 0.50 to 0.60  µm is also used to map out depth or the presence of sediment in bodies of water. Roads and buildings can also be detected by this particular bandwidth. In satellite sensors, visible green light is used as spectral band 1 in the Landsat MSS, as band 2 in Landsat TM, and as another band in Landsat ETM+. These Landsat satellite sensors aid in the detection of

Monday, October 14, 2019

Race and ethnicity in the United States Census Essay Example for Free

Race and ethnicity in the United States Census Essay The media is an industry where the competition is intense and it has been used by the government individuals, organizations, institutions, society, and family etc. for various purposes. However, due to the increasing competition in the industry, many at times the functions and duties which the media owes to the society are significantly overlooked. There are various functions of the media some will be discussed later on in this paper. The aim of the media has to a fearfully large extent shifted from fulfilling its roles to the society, rather their focus is often on how much entertainment they can offer to their audience and how much money they can make and how quickly they can make it. Entertainment and money making is definitely key in the existence, survival and growth of this industry, nevertheless, this should not be achieved by inappropriately portraying a group’s identity in any form. DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS Construction – To make or create, by putting together ideas, components or arguments. Group Identity – This refers to a person’s sense of belonging to a group. Media- Are communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data or promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes every broadcasting and narrow casting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax and internet (business dictionary, 2015). THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK SOCIAL IDENTITY THEORY BY TAJFEL TURNER (1979) This theory was propounded in order to understand the psychological reasons and basis for inter- group discrimination. The components of this theory goes thus: Categorization- This is the process of putting ourselves and others into categories, our self-image is associated with the categories we belong to. Identification – This is the process by which we associate ourselves with certain groups of people. Nevertheless there are some groups we don’t want to be identified with (out groups) and there are some we would want to be identified with (in groups). Comparison- This is the process through which we compare our groups with other groups, thereby creating a positive bias towards the groups in which we are members of. This aspect of this work will focus on two salient functions of the media amidst the various ones there are. Social heritage function- The onus lies on the media to transmit positive racial and ethnic values about every existing race and ethnic group. The act of highlighting and spotlighting the various negativities of races and ethnic groups should be avoided. Surveillance function- This is the duty the media owes to the society in circulating news and information when necessary, the media is responsible for providing information about events. THE CONSTRUCTION OF GROUP IDENTITY BY HOLLYWOOD (A STUDY OF THE LATINO RACE) There are five acclaimed races in the world: 1) Mongoloid (Asian and American Indian) 2) Caucasoid (European) 3) Australoid (Australian and oceanic) 4) Negroid (East African black). 5) Capoid (South African black) The Latinos could be said to belong to the Mongoloid race and most of the 315 million people who live in the United States of America are either immigrants or have ancestry to another country. In actual fact, the only truly American people are the Native ones. This country is based on the idea of migration in pursuit of a better social and economic life. According to U. S. Census Bureau (2012), there are roughly 52 million Hispanics/Latinos living in the United States, representing approximately 16. 7% of the total population of United States of America, and making them the nation’s largest ethnic minority. Among Hispanic subgroups, Mexicans rated as the largest at 63%, followed by Puerto Ricans (9. 2%), Cubans (3. 5%), Salvadorans (3. 3%), Dominicans (2. 8%), and the remaining 18. 2% were Colombians, Guatemalans, Portuguese, Honduras, Ecuadorians, Peruvians, Brazilian. The main reason for their migration has been either that they are politically endangered or have financial problems. For instance the Cubans who ended up in America wanted to escape from the political conditions in their country. Escaping from the communist government practiced in Cuba, they were considered as ‘political refugees’ in America for three and a half decades until 1995. As a result of America’s opposition to the Cuban government, they were treated in America better than almost any other ethnic group. This has also been partly because of their high level of education and professionalism before migration (Martins, 2006 as seen in Mousavi Sadeghi, 2013). Latinos, Mexicans in particular, mostly live in the Southwest; almost half in California and Texas. Puerto Ricans are mostly in the East and Cubans are in Florida. According to the U. S. Census Bureau, legal Hispanic household income is only 75 percent of White American income. There is also a high rate of poverty and unemployment among them, and their socio economic status is at a low level. The cause for this situation is partially their jobs being the lowest paid ones, their low education level, and employment discrimination (Camarillo and Bonilla, 2001). They are present in the news, advertisements, election campaigns, political debates, television and films. The common major feature that is present in all of these portrayals is the problems related to them that should be solved and not to be glorified, exaggerated or exploited by Hollywood. Before now African Americans were more likely to be portrayed as domestic workers in Hollywood. African Americans played major roles in television sitcoms such as â€Å"Beulah† in the 1950’s and â€Å"Gone with the wind† in 1939. In recent times Latinos have increasingly replaced African Americans as Hollywood domestics. Hollywood has presented an incorrect reality of the Latino people to the American people and to the world at large, it has exaggerated a poor image of this particular race. Although the Latinos who live in America get more roles to play in Hollywood, most of these roles are mentioned in the next paragraph. The Latino female is often presented as a temptress, vamp, lustful, promiscuous, unfaithful, manipulative, of loose morals or submissive at times in relation to a white male fantasy, low class, serving the whites. A list of Ten Latino Female artists who have played the role of a maid in Hollywood Movies/series. Jennifer Lopez – Maid in Manhattan, 2002 Aida Linares- Clueless, 1995 Lupe Ontiveros- As good as it gets, 1997 (She has played an estimate of 150 maid roles on television). Consuela-Family Guy, 2005-till present Nadine Valesquez-My name is Earl, 2005-2009 Paz Vega- Spanglish, 2004 Kate Del Castillo- La misma Luna, 2007 Adriana Barraza- Babel, 2006 Catalina Saavedra, The maid, 2009 Roselyn Sanchez, Devious Maids, 2013- till present Pania Ramirez – Devious Maids, 2013 till present THE MEDIA, DIVERSITY AND SOCIAL CHANGE INITIATIVE (MDSCI)’S SIX YEAR STUDY REVEALS SOME STATISTICS. Among the racial and ethnic groups studied in the Media, Diversity, and Social Change Initiative’s report, released August 2014, Latinos made up only 4. 9% of movie characters across 100 of 2013’s top-grossing films. According to the U. S. Census Bureau’s estimates, there are roughly 52 million Latinos in the U. S. as of July 1, 2011, or just over 16% of the current U. S. population. That number is on track to reach 132. 8 million — or about 30% of the U. S. population — by July 1, 2050. LATINOS THAT ARE DEPICTED IN TOP-GROSSING MOVIES ARE MOSTLY NAKED. While the study does note that â€Å"Hispanic females (37. 3%) were more likely to be featured in popular films than were white females (29. 6%) or Asian females (32%),† Latinas are also more likely than females among any of the other groups studied (37. 5%, to be precise) to be shown partially dressed or nude on the big screen. LATINOS ARE ALSO HIGHLY LIKELY TO BE SEXUALIZED. The sexualization of Latinos does not stop with women. Latino men were the most likely among the studied groups (16. 5%) to be depicted wearing â€Å"tight, alluring or revealing clothing. † DANGERS OF THE NEGATIVE PORTRAYAL OF RACE ETHNICITY BY THE MEDIA ?Since there is a tendency to believe what is represented or depicted by the media; as particular races or ethnic groups are often negatively portrayed, others who are not acquainted with such group of people are bound to believe they are actually the way the media has presented them. ? Another danger of negative portrayals of race/ethnic groups by the media is that the younger ones from such groups may not be able to see themselves better than the way the media has portrayed them. For example if a race is continually depicted as a maid or as vulgar murderer the younger generation of such groups may not see anything wrong with being that way and could actually end up as same. ? This particular race have existing challenges of employment, poor education; the continuous depictions as such does not help solve these problems, but only worsens them. ?It could be difficult for people who are negatively portrayed to keep relationships with or amongst other races who are depicted as superior to them. THE NOLLYWOOD CONSTRUCT OF ETHNICITY (A STUDY OF THE YORUBA, AND NORTHERN NIGERIANS) The founding fathers of Yoruba films in Nigeria i. e. Herbert Ogunde, Moses Olaiya (Baba Sala) Based their works on the constructive values of the Yoruba ethnic group without leaving their audience entertained. In recent times Nollywood has neglected the transfer of social heritage function in the production of Yoruba films. More often than necessary abusive statements, raining of curses and the invention of such and rascality has been synonymous with Yoruba films. The very rich Yoruba culture which the world could learn from is often being tarnished by our film industry. However there are various Yoruba producers who focus on spreading the positivity of the Yoruba culture i. e. Tunde Kelani, Tade Ogidan, Yinka Afolayan. Men from the Northern part of Nigeria are also often times portrayed as either a gateman or the security man of a well-established family. The character who could actually be Yoruba speaks like a man from the north to convince the audience that the gateman is a man from the Northern part of the Country. Little does Nollywood know that many of the gatemen in Lagos which I can speak for are not even Nigerians. I have observed that most of the gatemen/security men in reality are actually from Niger Republic many of them look like Nigerian Northerners, are able to speak Hausa language but they are not Nigerians. RECOMMENDATIONS ? Every race has some sort of value and norms that could be positive, the media should hereby seek out such and spread them. ?The media needs to respect the fact that every human person has dignity and should be portrayed as such. ?They never should never assume that a particular race or ethnicity is less than the other, regardless of the socio economic status of such groups. ?The media should seek to solve the challenges faced by some races and ethnic groups rather than exploit them. ?The media should be reminded that they are socially responsible to the society, thus they should be mindful of what they feed the society with.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Essay -- Sexual Harassment Essays

Sexual harassment is an important issue in every business; if left unattended it could cost companies millions in damages. In 1980 the Supreme Court ruled that sexual harassment was a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. From 1978 to 1980, sexual harassment cases brought against companies cost them $189 million. This number rose to $267 million from 1985-1987. Damages are just measured only by numbers. Sexual harassment can cause harm to a company's image, reputation, customers, as well as their revenue. In earlier years, women use to think in order to get along in the workplace they must "go with the flow" of whatever may happen in the office. Co-workers often looked negatively upon people who stuck up for themselves. Men's behaviors at work had always been accepted without question. When women were sexually harassed they had no where to turn. Today, the EEOC receives more than 16,000 sexual harassment complaints in a year. This is hardly the amount of situations that happen. 95% of sexual harassment incidents are left unreported! We cannot follow in our government?s footsteps down this road. Our so-called Congress is the worse place to work in dealing with sexual harassment. Until 1994, they were not under compliance with any laws for the protection of workers in the workplace. Even the regulations of 1994 did not provide strict enforcement so the problem remains. Statistics have shown that in the Supreme Court one-third of the people has been a victim of some form of sexual harassment. A member of Congress harassed one in nine of these persons! 42% of women and 15% of men in the federal government have reported sexual harassment. Do you think our government does a great job of covering up things? It is estimated that nine out of ten women will be victims of sexual advances at work. The courts are making it easier to hold a company liable for any sexual harassment behavior that occurs within the workplace. The employer does not even need to know that the sexual harassment is taking place for an employee to file a suit and win. It is almost impossible to find a ?solution? or ?magic key? that will end the problem. There is no guarantee that anything will prevent sexual harassment from happening. There are only suggestions that might help in depleting the problem. Developing an effective policy against sexual haras... ... McGraw-Hill, 1998. Mcafee, R. Bruce. ?Workplace Harassment: employees vs. customers.? (Mar.-Apr. 1999): n.pag. Online. Internet. 5 Dec 2000. Available WWW: McShane, Steven L., and Mary Ann Von Glinow. Organizational Behavior. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000. Miramontes, David J. How To Deal With Sexual Harassment. San Diego: Network Communications, 1983. Roberts, Barry S. and Richard A. Mann. ?Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A Primer.? n.pag. On-line. Internet. 5 Dec 2000. Available WWW: ?Same Sex Harassment.? n.pag. On-line. Internet. 5 Dec 2000. Available WWW: ?Same Sex Harassment.? n.pag. On-line. Internet. 5 Dec 2000. Available WWW: ?Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.? n.pag. On-line. Internet. 5 Dec 2000. Available WWW: http// Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?: n.pag. On-line. Internet. 5 Dec 2000. Avaliable WWW:http//

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Teamwork Analysis Essay -- Team Building Papers

Teamwork Analysis Abstract The purpose of this assignment is for each learning team to apply what team members are learning about successful teams to an in-depth analysis of itself. As teams go through development stages, the members learn how people feel about themselves and what the content of the task that is to be accomplished, based on each stage that is achieved. Describe the process your team has used to form, storm, norm, and perform. At this point, where do you believe your team is in the team formation process? Team A was initially formed by our professor, and everyone had their anxieties and questions about the other members. After the team was formed, a Team Charter was developed to gather information about everyone on one document, so we would all know each others strengths, weaknesses, and contact information. We realized that our team was a diverse team, with members scattered in several different time zones, including Africa. We had an initial conference call to check the temperature of everyone, but not everyone could participate in the call. Once everyone agreed to the team charter, it was suggested that each person on the team be a leader for a week, leaving the last week without an actual leader. The plan was to let the last week have everyone work together without a leader, but to draw virtual straws to decide who would post that week’s team assignment. The team members were listed in alphabetical order, which is the same order each person was assigned a week. Team A was successful at reaching the next stage of development, which is storming. The team had some initial problems durin... ... Caouette, M.J. & O’Connor, B.N. (1998). The impact of group support systems on corporate teams’ stages of development. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 8(1), 59-60. Chupp, M. (2002). Reaching for Higher Ground in Conflict Resolution. International Journal of Conflict Management. 13(2). Retrieved February 11, 2005, from EBSCOhost database. Horton, T. R. (1992). Delegation and team building: No solo acts please. Management Review, 81 (9), 58. Mckenna, P.J., Meister, D.H. (2002). Playing by the rules. Industrial Management. 44 (5), 8-14. Retrieved February 14, 2005, from EBSCOhost database. McShane, S.L. & VonGlinow, M.A. (2004). Foundation of team dynamics. Organizational Behavior, second edition (pp 238-240). Â ©The McGraw-Hill Companies.